Breaking The Rules

Author: Kate Belle
Publisher: Random House Australia
123 pages
Not translated to Turkish.

The first in a series of erotic novellas, featuring different women whose lives are changed by Ramon Mendez, a handsome, charismatic lover...
Grace is a beautiful woman in complete control of her world. A long time ago she chose a career – as Associate Professor of Social Science - over children and marriage, and has never regretted it.
Then Ramon Mendez walks into her office.
Ramon is about to commence his PhD, a work on erotic literature, and from the outset there is something about him that makes Grace's blood run hot.
Aware of the need to maintain her professional reputation, she rejects his subtle advances, but he persists. And during their intimate supervision sessions, her defences start to crumble.
For Ramon's ‘work' is to expose desires within Grace she never knew existed…

I have to say that I quite enjoyed it. I’m surprised because I usually love those main two characters in erotic novels, I get used to them easily. But this time I couldn’t do that. I didn’t like Ramon that much. He was one of the usual characters in the books like these. But his role as a mentor, teaching Grace how to satisfy herself, how the sex could be, there was no romance for me and at the beginning I thought that two will be in a relationship. But it didn’t go like this.

With Ramon’s help; Grace is changing, opening her eyes and finally seeing Andrew who has been with her so many years. I liked that part and I liked the end. I was pitying Andrew at the beginning but everything turned up to good. It ended how I want it to end, but I was waiting to see Andrew and Grace a little bit more. Stil as I said, it was a good one.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this read.

In Turkish:

Doğrusunu söylemek gerekirse kitap gayet hoşuma gitti. Buna şaşırdım aslında çünkü bu tip romanlarda asıl iki elemanı genellikle severim, onlara hemen alışırım. Ama bu sefer bunu yapamadım. Ramon’u pek sevemedim. Bu tip kitaplardaki sıradan karakterler gibiydi aslında ama Grace’in öğretmeni rolünde ona nasıl zevk alınacağını, cinsel ilişkinin nasıl bir şey olduğunu öğretirken işin içinde romans yoktu ki ben biraz romansa asla hayır demem. Kitabın başlarında bu ikilinin bir ilişkiye başlayacağını sanıyordum ama neyse ki öyle ilerlemedi.

Ramon’un yardımıyla Grace değişmeye başladı, gözlerini açıp uzun zamandır yanında olan Andrew’u görebildi. Bu kısım hoşuma gitti, finali de beğendim. En başlarda Andrew’a acıyordum zaten ama her şey düzeldi. Bitmesini istediğim şekilde bitti ama biraz daha Andrew ve Grace görmeye bir şey de demezdim hani. Yine de dediğim gibi güzel bir kitaptı.

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